Common Ground Speaks is a collaborative consortium of parent associations from independent schools across Central and Northern New Jersey. Established in 1999, we bring education, information, and inspiration to our community, fostering meaningful connections and shared learning among parents, educators, and students.
The MISSION of Common Ground Speaks is to exchange ideas, share resources, and host speakers and workshops that benefit and reflect the needs and concerns of parents, educators, students, and foster community.
Sponsor two to three speaker events per school year, October to June. With distinguished speakers, authors, recognized professionals, and local talents who are experts in parenting, child development, and education.
Exchange ideas and enrich our community monthly CGS member meetings.
Sponsor annual social events to foster community among our independent school members, their parents, faculty, and administrators.
While most Common Ground Speaks events are sponsored and funded by contributions from our member schools, there are opportunities for financial partnerships with foundations, corporations, and community organizations to help broaden options for inviting various distinguished speakers. We invite you to contact us if you would like to inquire about or discuss potential partnerships with your organization, employer’s community development programs, or another group.
What We've Achieved
Bringing quality speakers and events to our community for over 20 years.
A collaborative organization comprised of over 14 independent schools located in Northern and Central New Jersey.
Hosted over 40 events, speaking to parents and educators alike.
Waitlist only events.